Humidification for the wood industry
and furniture manufacture
Wood is a natural material that “lives” long after the tree has been felled. If the air is too dry during storage and processing, moisture is removed from the wood.
Unless additional air humidification is provided, deformation, distortion, unevenness and surface cracks occur. Frame corners and veneer joints can crack.
Wood is hygroscopic
Hygroscopic materials are substances that can trap moisture in their cell structure.
At low humidity, the air extracts moisture from the materials, often damaging the cell structure and causing cracks to form.
Ingress of dust in woodworking shops and furniture manufacture
In dry conditions, not only does dust remain in the room air for much longer, but any stirring-up of dust is much more intense in a dry environment. The high levels of dust ingress impair the processing of wood in woodworking shops and in furniture manufacture: Warping, shrinkage and problems with varnishing, finishing and gluing result in a loss of quality. The best remedy for this is a permanent RH value between 40 and 60 percent. In this way, the dust levels in the production facilities can be reduced to a minimum.
Maintaining material quality
Wherever (raw) materials are processed or stored, high air quality is a prerequisite for high material quality. Particles suspended in the air, especially dust, can attack the surfaces of the stored products and components or those still to be manufactured. This can result in high costs, especially for valuable materials (e.g. mahogany woods). In addition, glues often do not cure completely or evenly under dry conditions, which reduces the robustness and service life of the end products. A constant air humidity permanently counteracts such threat of deterioration in quality.
Ingress of dust in woodworking shops and furniture manufacture
In dry conditions, not only does dust remain in the room air for much longer, but any stirring-up of dust is much more intense in a dry environment. The high levels of dust ingress impair the processing of wood in woodworking shops and in furniture manufacture: Warping, shrinkage and problems with varnishing, finishing and gluing result in a loss of quality. The best remedy for this is a permanent RH value between 40 and 60 percent. In this way, the dust levels in the production facilities can be reduced to a minimum.
Maintaining material quality
Wherever (raw) materials are processed or stored, high air quality is a prerequisite for high material quality. Particles suspended in the air, especially dust, can attack the surfaces of the stored products and components or those still to be manufactured. This can result in high costs, especially for valuable materials (e.g. mahogany woods). In addition, glues often do not cure completely or evenly under dry conditions, which reduces the robustness and service life of the end products. A constant air humidity permanently counteracts such threat of deterioration in quality.
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