Healthy air humidity for an optimal working climate
A good room air humidity in a call center not only ensures the employees’ well-being, but also their performance and health.
Today, respiratory illnesses are the most common cause of incapacity for work. Almost a quarter of all cases (21.8 percent) are due to respiratory illnesses. As a result, more than 50 million days of incapacity for work occur nationwide, costing Germany's companies 130 billion euros per year. The figures show that the right air humidity is more than just a feel-good factor, it lays the foundation for a healthy working environment in the call center (source: CallCenterProfi, SFO Medien GmbH)
Protection of the voice
For every call center employee, a well-articulated, natural voice is the key instrument for successful customer communication.
Dry air leads to increased clearing of the throat, coughing and hoarseness.
The Berufsgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitsschutz (BGIA)2 (German Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) recommends a minimum air humidity of 40% RH for professions that involve a significant proportion of speaking.
Protection of the eyes
Intensive screen work in the office is tough on the eyes: Swollen eyelids, redness, foreign body sensation, stinging and high sensitivity to light are often the consequence. One of the causes is insufficient moistening of the surface of the eye with tear fluid. Eye specialists warn against underestimating the so-called “dry eye” as a harmless disorder: rather, it is a complex pathological condition that can lead to serious eye damage.
Hours of staring at the screen also reduces the blinks of our eyelids. The tear film is not refreshed frequently enough.
Protection of the voice
For every call center employee, a well-articulated, natural voice is the key instrument for successful customer communication.
Dry air leads to increased clearing of the throat, coughing and hoarseness.
The Berufsgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitsschutz (BGIA)2 (German Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) recommends a minimum air humidity of 40% RH for professions that involve a significant proportion of speaking.
Protection of the eyes
Intensive screen work in the office is tough on the eyes: Swollen eyelids, redness, foreign body sensation, stinging and high sensitivity to light are often the consequence. One of the causes is insufficient moistening of the surface of the eye with tear fluid. Eye specialists warn against underestimating the so-called “dry eye” as a harmless disorder: rather, it is a complex pathological condition that can lead to serious eye damage.
Hours of staring at the screen also reduces the blinks of our eyelids. The tear film is not refreshed frequently enough.
Why air humidity also reduces the risk of infection in the office
In dry room air, germ droplets also dry out. They therefore lose weight, become lighter and float through the room for a long time. At an air humidity of 40 to 60%, however, the germ droplets remain large, heavy and sluggish.
They sink quickly to the ground, reducing their distribution in the room air.
Spread of germs in dry air
Spread of germs at optimal humidity
Study by the Fraunhofer Institute
In a two-year study, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) examined the “Humidity in the office workplace”. The results of this study clearly show that people in offices without controlled humidification complain about problems caused by excessively dry air, which impairs their well-being, health and performance. On the other hand, a higher room air humidity was rated by the respondents as positive and pleasant.
Structure of the study
For the study, the humidification system in an existing building was switched on and off for several weeks at a room temperature of about 22°C to 23°C. With controlled humidification, the relative room air humidity was around 40%, otherwise the humidity in the building was only around 23 to 28%.
The study confirms the clearly negative impact of insufficient room air humidity on the general well-being, possible eye irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes.
For all the symptoms surveyed, the respondents express significantly fewer complaints in the offices humidified to 40% relative humidity. In addition to good indoor air quality and a comfortable temperature, the humidity in the workplace is therefore an important factor in increasing well-being and reducing health risks in office workplaces.
Test group without air humidification
Do you often have dry airways when working?
Do you often have burning eyes when working?
Test group with air humidification
Do you often have dry airways when working?
Do you often have burning eyes when working?
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