Visitors expect the humidity in swimming pools and steam baths to be at the right level. But what about the relaxation and massage rooms, the solarium, and the beauty parlor? Dry heating air sucks the moisture out of human skin and human hair like a sponge.
The result: Skin becomes itchy, eyes sting, headaches develop, and guests are tired instead of relaxed. The rooms adjoining pools and wellness suites therefore not only have to be kept warm, they must also be supplied with a comfortable level of air humidity.
Massage room
Relaxation room
Why hotels should provide a comfortable room humidity for their guests
Hoteliers, operators of guest houses and hostels are concerned about the well-being of their guests 24/7. Accordingly, they are always looking to expand and improve their range of services to make the stay of their guests as pleasant as possible. This applies not only to the guest rooms, but also to the catering, conference and other common rooms. A consistently pleasant air humidity is an important factor for the overall physical well-being and thus also for the mood of the guests during their stay.
Why a steam bath is a great benefit for a hotel and its guests
In addition to the Finnish sauna (dry sauna), steam baths have increasingly established themselves as an equivalent alternative in the wellness area of hotels and guest houses. The high air humidity of steam baths does not burden the body as much as a dry sauna does; however, the positive impact on the body's own immune system is comparable. A visit to the steam bath also improves blood circulation and regulates the muscle tone of the visitors.
Why hotels should provide a comfortable room humidity for their guests
Hoteliers, operators of guest houses and hostels are concerned about the well-being of their guests 24/7. Accordingly, they are always looking to expand and improve their range of services to make the stay of their guests as pleasant as possible. This applies not only to the guest rooms, but also to the catering, conference and other common rooms. A consistently pleasant air humidity is an important factor for the overall physical well-being and thus also for the mood of the guests during their stay.
Why a steam bath is a great benefit for a hotel and its guests
In addition to the Finnish sauna (dry sauna), steam baths have increasingly established themselves as an equivalent alternative in the wellness area of hotels and guest houses. The high air humidity of steam baths does not burden the body as much as a dry sauna does; however, the positive impact on the body's own immune system is comparable. A visit to the steam bath also improves blood circulation and regulates the muscle tone of the visitors.
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Łaźnia parowa i prysznic parowy
W dzisiejszych czasach wiele hoteli i klubów zdrowia oferuje zaplecze spa dla dobrego samopoczucia swoich gości i członków:
Basen, sauna, a coraz czę...
Steam bath and steam shower
Nowadays, many hotels and health clubs offer spa facilities for the well-being of their guests and members:
A swimming pool, a sauna and more and mor...
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